Minimizing AI Cyberattacks

July 1, 2024 by

This post is part of a series sponsored by TSIB.

We are seeing an explosion of technology as our devices become more powerful and less expensive. Companies are taking advantage of our voracious appetite for all things technology and creating a world that is connected device to device.

We have evolved to having a virtual assistant via smart speakers and phones (ex. Alexa, Siri, etc.), that connect everyday objects such as the dishwasher or TV to the internet. These wonderfully convenient enhancements make our lives richer.

One estimate says that nearly 66% of the world’s population (about 5 billion) uses the internet. Some additional statistics show:

  • In 2023, it is estimated that there were 5 billion Google searches per day, which is over 3.1 trillion searches per year.
  • Facebook users upload 1.5 million pictures every minute
  • We spend over $1.2 trillion shopping online
  • By 2030 there will be more than 24 billion devices connected to the Internet

The problem is that there has been a lack of attention to cybersecurity in the past, which has allowed the outside world to gain access to our information. With money and information flying around cyberspace, it is no wonder that cybercrime is so prevalent. The cost of global cyber-crimes is predicted to cost $8 trillion in 2023 and $10.5 trillion by 2025, with a hacker attacking a computer network once every 14 seconds.

It is up to each individual/company to take steps to close that access and protect themselves from these clever thieves. Here are some tips recommended by Norton to help you stay secure around your voice assistant:

Even though a voice assistant may be useful, it leaves you vulnerable to hackers who can steal your personal information. As a company, make sure you and your employees are keeping up to date with the latest cybersecurity protections. If you have any questions about your cyber insurance reach out to TSIB.