The Lowdown: What Heat Can Show Us

November 21, 2019 by

According to the U.S. Fire Administration, over 22% of non-residential fires are caused by electrical malfunction, heating or other equipment malfunctions. There are a number of reasons for this, including deferred maintenance, poor installation, unintended overload, corrosion and age. As your commercial clients’ insurance agent, you can help identify the problems and prevent losses with the introduction of thermography.

On Wednesday, December 4th, Michael Van Wormer, loss control technical specialist and Level 3 Certified Thermographer for The Cincinnati Insurance Companies will offer a webinar on the benefits of thermography. I had the honor of meeting with Michael this week for a sneak peak at his presentation. If you’ve never seen how thermography works, this webinar is for you. In addition to showing you how the technology works, it will inspire you to review your book of commercial clients for those you’d share this with.

How does it work? The technology detects and visually displays the variation in surface temperature of the targeted area – which may indicate problems like water under carpets or roof membrane, poor functioning heating and cooling units, or overheating electrical breakers. The color displayed by the varying temperatures illustrate problems “beneath the covers.” Michael utilizes a series of real inspection images and shares how these are interpreted to illustrate the power of this tool. Problems identified range from faulty wiring to counterfeit electrical parts, that if left undetected, could have caused significant fire damage to CIC clients.

Bringing this type of loss prevention to your commercial clients is a benefit worth learning more about. For a highly engaging, image rich presentation, I hope you will join us for Michael Van Wormer’s webinar, Seeing The Heat Before the Fire: How Thermography is Changing Insurance on Wednesday, December 4th, 10 am pacific, 1pm eastern, To reserve your seat, check it out here. Can’t make it on that date? Sign up anyways and you’ll receive an email when the presentation becomes available on demand.