How to Prequalify a Surety ― and Why It’s So Important

June 15, 2022 by

This post is part of a series sponsored by Old Republic Surety.

Any insurance agency that has a book of surety business can use the information here about prequalifying a surety company.

The number of surety companies represented in any region can make the task of prequalifying or differentiating among them challenging to say the least. Many bond agents and brokers have access to more than 30 surety company markets, and there can be important distinctions between each of them that should be understood before a selection occurs.

The 3 main ways to qualify a surety company

The following resources make it easy to be sure that the surety company you may do business with is reputable and licensed to do business in your state:

Bond users should also verify the validity of bonds they’ve obtained as part of the prequalification process:

The most important aspects to look for in a surety company

A professional agency surety bond representative can help assist in the prequalification process by using their knowledge and relationships to match a contractor or other party with the right surety based on:

  • Underwriting capacity, flexibility, appetite, special programs available and their terms (i.e., quick bond programs).
  • Rate filings and criteria, indemnity and subordination agreement language.
  • Claim department policies and handling.
  • Additional services offered, such as bond-ability letters, peer review and analytical tools for clients.
  • Reputation, pending claims or litigation, large surety losses, personnel changes and company acquisitions or consolidations.

In addition to the above, the following resources are helpful when researching surety company information: