Insurance Volunteers: Spot Opportunities With Week of Giving ‘Project Finder’

October 1, 2013 by

Many people in the insurance industry want to help in their communities by serving as volunteers in their communities. But many simply don’t know how to find the right place to volunteer.

Problem solved.

IICF (the Insurance Industry Charitable Foundation) provides a tool for insurance volunteers — individuals and team leaders — to find projects close by to where they live and work.

Check out the insurance volunteer “project search” capability on the IICF Week of Giving website. It’s right here:

Take these two easy steps to get on track with volunteerism:

1) Find a project for yourself or a team of willing co-workers at your company.

2) Sign up to serve during IICF Week of Giving, which runs Oct. 12-19 2013.

Search for projects using your zip code. Refine your search based on areas of interest and days of the week.

IICF Week of Giving is the largest national volunteer program of the insurance industry, In 2013 – the IICF’s 20th anniversary — it’ll be bigger and better than ever, with insurance industry volunteers pitching in around the country. The project search tool includes numerous opportunities in: the Midwest, New England, New York metro, Philadelphia, Texas and Southeast U.S., and the Western U.S.

IICF has worked with local charities to line up volunteer opportunities such as education and literacy programs, soup kitchens and nutrition programs, Superstorm Sandy recovery projects, playground cleanups, teen intervention and crisis response efforts, and environmental improvement efforts. Take a look to see what you find:

“IICF Week of Giving” was a new name unveiled in 2012 as a continuation of the IICF’s longstanding “Volunteer Week” effort – but reflecting the fact that a donation component was added. In volunteerism, IICF has generated more than 166,000 hours of volunteer service, thanks to all the workers and teams that have stepped up. That number will bump up, as existing volunteers recruit new people onto their teams and new teams form.

Volunteers have used Week of Giving as a start to longer-lasting efforts throughout the year.

Once you find a project, login or register as a team leader at Start with the “Volunteers” tab.

For teams, one leader recruits and organizes the group, and is the main contact for Week of Giving. But even one person can make a difference, so individuals can register as a team leader and choose a volunteer project.

Note: IICF will continue to add projects up until Week of Giving, so please check back for new listings.

Many are asking the question: “What can I do to volunteer?” That’s a great start. IICF is here to help insurance volunteers like you contribute where you and your co-workers live and work.