What’s in a Blog? Insurance Blog Topics That Get You Traffic – Part 1

November 21, 2012 by

This post is part of a series on insurance marketing and training sponsored by Astonish.

Having a website without blogging is like putting up a billboard in the middle of nowhere. Doesn’t matter how cool the billboard is, how well it’s designed, or how sticky the message is… without the traffic to see it, you’re not going to get results. The same is true for websites in that without consistent blogging, you’re not going to attract as much web traffic.

Some industry studies suggest that small- to medium-sized businesses that blog regularly on their websites, get up to 55% more traffic than those that don’t blog at all. 55%! That’s a lot of opportunity to miss. If that’s not enough to get you fired up about blogging, consider that our own Astonish clients get as much as 10 to 40% of their monthly traffic from blogging on a regular basis. So, without blogging at least weekly on their websites, they’d miss out on 10-40% of their monthly traffic.

Of course, sitting down and writing just any blog post on any subject isn’t going to work either. Doesn’t mean you need to be a rocket scientist to come up with compelling insurance blog ideas, however, it sure doesn’t hurt to follow some guidelines when thinking about what to write.

That’s why you need to focus on blog strategies that work for insurance agencies. In this multi-part blog series, I’ll be sharing these three strategies for finding compelling blog topics:

1. Blog about what you KNOW

2. Blog about what’s LOCAL

3. Blog about what’s TRENDING

These strategies are tried and true. So how do you use the first strategy?

Blogging about What you KNOW

A blog is a useful branding tool. In order to showcase your agency’s brand, you need to showcase your expertise as insurance specialists. And what do all agencies KNOW? Insurance! That’s not to say ALL blog posts should be about insurance. You need a good mix of entertaining, useful, and insurance-themed blog posts to attract and keep a web audience.

Blogging about insurance is a good place to start. Some topics that get good traffic include:

  • Explaining state laws that relate to insurance
  • Explaining what is and what’s not covered by specific policies
  • Answering commonly asked questions about insurance

It really is just about listening to your customers and answering their questions – just in writing instead of over the phone or in person. You could write a whole series of blog posts just answering questions your agents and producers hear over and over again. It’s really that simple.

Of course, blogging about what you know doesn’t have to stop at insurance. Being a good leader means getting your whole agency involved in blogging, not just about insurance, but what they know about special hobbies or interests. Don’t be afraid of showing the personal side of your agency! Modern consumers want to see they’re working with people, and that could set your agency apart from other agencies or even the big carriers that write directly to consumers.

Part two is all about blogging about what’s local – why it’s important and what topics get traction.

About the Author: Adam DeGraide is the Founder and CEO of Astonish. As an Internet marketing veteran and sales guru, DeGraide has spent the past 15 years creating “The Greatest Digital Marketing System in the World.” His company, Astonish, offers a complete digital marketing system built specifically for the insurance industry that combines the best digital marketing tools such as: websites, CRM, SEO, SEM, social media, blogging, email marketing, mobile marketing, and text message marketing, with powerful sales training and agency consulting. Hundreds of agencies across the country are leveraging the Astonish system to increase their revenue. Learn more at www.Astonish.com.