AgentSync Asking MGAs to Take Poll

February 9, 2022 by

This post is part of a series sponsored by AgentSync.

Personal ask: Please take our poll.

MGAs don’t always get a lot of love, and we at AgentSync are trying to change that. The last year was one of mind-expanding conversations with state commissioners’ offices all over the country, talking about carrier appointments, MGA and MGU regulations, and who needs to follow which sets of rules.

We also spoke directly with MGAs that thought they were agencies, agencies that thought they were MGAs, and MGAs that were MGAs and knew it. Is it any wonder that “What is an MGA?” is one of the most common industry online search phrases? Apparently, it can be just as confusing from the inside.

These conversations made us realize that there’s a vacuum of knowledge in the industry surrounding MGAs, MGUs, and who does what (and why). So here’s the ask: If you are an MGA or an MGU, or think you might be, please take our poll on the fundamentals of what you are and what you do in the insurance pipeline.

Our plan: With your help, we’ll collect information about MGAs and MGUs, and then assemble the insights into a whitepaper. We’re not collecting your personal data for a marketing schtick – you can leave your email address if you want us to email you when the whitepaper is ready, but even that isn’t required. So please, help an honest data nerd out, take our poll, and help us help you better understand this mysterious corner of the industry.