Happier Without Some Stuff

July 15, 2020 by

People are highly adaptive. Don’t believe me?

Move into a smaller home.

You’ll find out that after a little while, you’ll settle into a new routine. You’ll also look around one day and wonder why you kept all that stuff for so long, but that’s another conversation.

Over the last year, my office had become a storage place for a pile of junk. I mean, it was really important stuff at some point, but until this week, it all sat in a box and a laundry basket in my office.

And it was in the way.

It’s gone now. We threw some things away. We set aside a pile of give away stuff. We boxed up some stuff to intentionally store.

My office is a much better place and I’m more comfortable (dare I say, happier) in my office.

What kind of stuff are we letting take up space in our life?

What stuff are we stepping over, intending to handle one day?

Why not make today that one day?

Why not just go through it, store some, give some, and put the rest in the trash?

You might find out that you’re happier without it all.