We Need Your Voice

August 21, 2019 by

I love being in the insurance business.

We get to be a part of every part of life around the world.

We also get to play a part in every emerging risk and trend as they come to the fore of society.

As I’m writing this, according to the Marijuana Policy Project 2019 Legislative Update, 27 states considered bills to legalize cannabis in 2019, three states decriminalized marijuana possession, and the US House of Representatives approved an amendment to prevent federal interference with state’s marijuana laws. No matter what you think about the subject, you cannot deny one thing. Change is coming to your neck of the woods (if it hasn’t already).

As this issue evolves, more businesses will open, and they will begin to need insurance to protect their investments. Just like any other business, they have property and liability exposures. They will need to cover the exposures related to their premises. They will need to protect their incomes if a property loss occurs.

As this exposure has evolved, the customers have gone from fringe businesses that acted like they weren’t sure they could trust insurance companies to (in some places) truly mainstream businesses. They have state and national industry associations. They meet to discuss the changes in laws around the country. A segment of the insurance market has grown up around them to help them to navigate their insurance needs.

That’s why Insurance Journal hosted a live panel discussion (which is still available on demand) entitled Cannabis and Insurance: What You Need to Know About the Budding Business. In this conversation, Insurance Journal pulled together some of the top names in cannabis risk, including a cannabis law expert and an insurance company executive.

As readers of Insurance Journal (and this blog), you’re among the best and the brightest in the insurance business. That’s why I wanted to get you an invitation to be a part of our virtual Insuring Cannabis Summit. Yeah. We’re bringing together some of the best speakers around (that’s you) to help us to better understand this market, the insurance issues surrounding it, and what we need to go as things continue to change.

Are you an expert in cannabis risk?

Is this a growing part of your book of business?

Got a burning desire to tell the world what you know?

We want to hear from you.

Our Call for Speakers page is open right now.

This is so early that our landing page, telling the world about it isn’t even online yet. Check back later this week and get more information about the summit.

Why should you submit your proposed session?

  • We need your expertise. Let’s face facts. None of us knows everything and many of us are expert in something. If you’ve written any cannabis risks, you’re more of an expert than I am. I may have read a lot about it, but I don’t have the practical experience that you do.
  • You want to share your expertise. Admit it. You like to talk to people. You like to share what you know. You like a little positive attention now and again. This is your opportunity to get some of that good attention (for a change) and share your knowledge with a grateful audience.
  • Evolving cannabis legislation
  • Cannabis coverage needs
  • Cannabis risk analysis
  • Cannabis claims issues

So why not? Why not submit your Insuring Cannabis Summit proposal?

It’s up to you.