Holiday Policy Language – Freedom Edition

July 4, 2018 by

Today is July 4th and as the old riddle says, yes, every country has the Fourth of July, but only the US celebrates it as Independence Day. If you’re reading this on Wednesday, get back to the grill, kids, picnic, or other celebratory event. It’ll be here tomorrow. I’m not offended because I’m working on my own celebration right now, too.

Since this is a holiday with unique celebrations and traditions, it’s time for another installment of holiday policy language that I wish existed, Freedom edition.

“That person” means the person in your family, or among your friends, that always takes things too far. “That person” includes any person that you can’t trust with any “fireworks,” “grilling,” or other important freedom party device.


“Fireworks” means any commercially available device that is has a fuse or other method of ignition and produces sparks, smoke, air or ground bursts, or other explosive-like effect designed to bring delight and joy to those who see it.

“Using fireworks” means bringing together, setting up, arranging, lighting, or otherwise preparing for an amateur show of “fireworks”.

We encourage the responsible use of “fireworks” because it reminds us all of the sacrifice and courage the freedom requires. However, bodily injury and property damage related to “using fireworks” is excluded on this policy when:


“Grilling” means using any outdoor cooking device, including gas grills, charcoal grills, and smokers (whether stationary or towed behind a vehicle).

We encourage “grilling” as it is a wonderful way to enjoy life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. However, bodily injury and property damage related to “grilling” is excluded when:


“Swimming pool” means any permanently installed in-ground or above ground construct or temporary inflatable item designed for enjoying by being immersed either partially or completely in water, including using any floatation devices. “Swimming pool” does not include the swimming hole, creek, lake, river, spring, or any other place you might swim.

Note regarding swimming places, other than your “swimming pool”: If your Independence Day celebration includes gathering at the swimming hole, creek, lake, river, spring, or any other swimming place, let it be someone else’s idea. That way, we’re less concerned about it and you can have a good time without making us wonder what’s going on and if we are going to have a claim about it.

We encourage responsible use of your “swimming pools” during the summer. It is a wonderful way to enjoy the gift of friends, family, and freedom. However, bodily injury and property damage related to “swimming pools” is limited when:

This limitation only applies if you fail to video “swimming pool” antics and post that video to YouTube. We want to see what happened at your party, too.

Author’s note: this is meant to be funny. If I have offended you, please understand that was not my intent.

We hope that you have a joyful, peaceful, happy, memorable, and safe holiday.