Insurance Agencies CAN Take Advantage of Image-based Social Media!

June 25, 2013 by

This post is part of a series on insurance marketing and training sponsored by Astonish.

We’ve been hearing it for a long time now – insurance agencies need to adapt to the modern consumer in order to survive. This means that you need a digital marketing strategy! You may have the blogging down, and you may also have a decent following on social media networks such as Facebook and Twitter, but have you considered a strategy for the photo-friendly networks?

A picture is worth a thousand words, which means if your agency were to take advantage of Instagram or Pinterest, you could certainly say a lot!

Insurance IS Visible

Right now you might be thinking, insurance is a service, you can’t capture that on camera. But you can! Think about all of the different ways you can use insurance, think about all of the different parts of life that insurance protects. You can see all of that in your mind, right? Why not take some photos of it and share it on social media!

Both Instagram and Pinterest are image-based social networks that are accessible on all Smartphone devices. Additionally, they can be linked to other social media networks. This is a great way to increase your following, your web presence, and your authority on all things insurance. With well over 100 million users on Instagram and more than 11 million on Pinterest, there is a HUGE pool of potential clients to tap into!

  • Pinterest is one of the fastest growing social networks – with 83% of its users being female (the decision-makers in the house, you know, the ones who may make decisions about things such as insurance)
  • Instagram and Pinterest both have experienced some of the fastest growth of any social media network
  • Pinterest users are engaged – the average time spent on the site is 14.2 minutes per visit

The bottom line: image-based social networks are rapidly expanding their audiences. If you are looking to tap into a demographic that is newly starting out, the 25-34 year-old age group is best reached on social media. And if you’re looking for a fool-proof way to reach them, SHOW THEM what you can do for them.

The How To Guide
So you understand you should be taking advantage, but how? Here are a few ideas:

  • Infographics – Who doesn’t love an infographic?
  • Photo challenges – This is a great way to reach new and existing clients. What is the most unique car on the road in town? What house has the best holiday décor? Create your own hashtag for your agency and get people involved!
  • Connect to local events – Did someone in your agency visit the town’s car show this weekend? Post a photo!

The takeaway is this: lifestyle is important to consumers. Insurance protects that lifestyle they covet. You can protect them. Showcase that lifestyle and then teach them how you can protect it!

About the Author: Adam DeGraide is the Founder and CEO of Astonish. As an Internet marketing veteran and sales guru, DeGraide has spent the past 15 years creating “The Greatest Business Growth System in the World.” His company, Astonish, offers a complete business growth system built specifically for the insurance industry that focuses on three core offerings: marketing, technology, and training. Hundreds of agencies across the country are leveraging the Astonish system to increase their revenue. Learn more at