Latest State Farm Headlines

All the headlines from our State Farm Topic Page, ordered by recency.

State Farm Wants Mississippi Law Group Tossed from Katrina Case

Dec 20 2007 // State Farm Fire and Casualty Co. is seeking to have policyholders’ attorneys thrown off a key Hurricane Katrina insurance case because the insurer claims the Mississippi lawyers have behaved unethically, according to...

State Farm Seeks 3.6% Homeowners Rate Hike in Texas

Dec 19 2007 // State Farm Insurance Co., the largest insurer of homes and cars in Texas, said it filed for an average 3.6 percent rate increase for its Texas homeowners’ insurance policies.The filing includes larger multi-line...

Miss. AG: Bribery Charges Won’t Affect State’s Katrina Cases

Dec 12 2007 // Mississippi Attorney General Jim Hood says the bribery charges against the prominent lawyer he used as a “confidential informant” in a Hurricane Katrina investigation won’t affect the state’s...

State Farm Study: Western States See Burglary Increases

Dec 11 2007 // A new State Farm study has identified the top 15 states that may see a glimpse of “suspicious santas” — burglars who strike during the holiday season. Nevada, New Mexico, Washington, Arizona, Georgia and...

State Farm Customers in Neb. Ask Supreme Court to Reinstate Lawsuit

Dec 7 2007 // A group of State Farm policyholders want the Nebraska Supreme Court to reinstate their lawsuit against the company, because they say State Farm failed to deliver the medical coverage it promised in its automobile...

Ruling in Faulty Products Case Upholds Law Limiting Lawsuit Awards

Dec 7 2007 // The Arizona Supreme Court unanimously upheld the constitutionality of a state law that limits the responsibility for payment of damages in lawsuits, including those for faulty products.Deciding a case which drew interest...

Appeals Court to Review Insurance Claim Verdict in Miss. Katrina Suit

Dec 6 2007 // State Farm Fire and Casualty Co. is asking a federal appeals court to throw out a landmark $1 million punitive damage award to a Mississippi couple who sued the insurer for refusing to cover Hurricane Katrina damage to...

16 Judges Step Aside From Scruggs Contempt Case

Dec 2 2007 // Every eligible federal judge in north Alabama has stepped aside from presiding in the criminal contempt case of Mississippi trial lawyer Richard Scruggs, who is accused of disobeying an order by failing to turn over...

16 Alabama Federal Judges Step Aside from Scruggs Contempt Case

Nov 19 2007 // Every eligible federal judge in north Alabama has stepped aside from presiding in the criminal contempt case of Mississippi trial lawyer Richard Scruggs, who is accused of disobeying an order by failing to turn over...

U.S. Court Upholds State Farm’s Anti-Concurrent Causation Clause

Nov 18 2007 // A U.S. court of appeals ruling dashed the hopes of potentially hundreds of post-Hurricane Katrina claimants recently when it ruled a major insurer’s policy language unambiguous.The case is based on State Farm’s...

Miss. AG Hood Denies he Threatened to Indict State Farm CEO

Nov 18 2007 // Mississippi Attorney General Jim Hood threatened to indict the chairman of State Farm Insurance Companies if the insurer didn’t settle lawsuits over thousands of Hurricane Katrina claims, according to the testimony...

State Farm Wins One, Loses One in Wind vs. Water Cases

Nov 18 2007 // A federal jury in New Orleans in early November sided with a south Louisiana couple who sued State Farm Insurance Cos. over damage to their property from Hurricane Katrina. Around the same time, a U.S. appeals court...

N.C. Engineering Firm to be Dropped from Miss. Katrina Insurance Suits

Nov 15 2007 // North Carolina-based Forensic Analysis and Engineering Corp., has reached a settlement with lawyers who have filed hundreds of lawsuits against State Farm Insurance Cos. on behalf of policyholders whose claims were denied...

State Farm: Restraining Order Continued Against Miss. AG

Nov 9 2007 // A federal judge has extended a restraining order that prevents Mississippi Attorney General Jim Hood from continuing a criminal investigation into State Farm Insurance Cos.’ handling of Hurricane Katrina claims, a...

Jury Favors La. Homeowner in Katrina Damage Suit Against State Farm

Nov 9 2007 // A jury on Nov. 7 sided with a south Louisiana couple in the first federal trial in Louisiana against State Farm Insurance Cos. over Hurricane Katrina damage.An attorney for plaintiffs Michael and Judy Kodrin and a State...

La. AG Sues Insurers, Alleges Price-Fixing and Conspiracy

Nov 9 2007 // Louisiana Attorney General Charles Foti is suing the state’s largest property insurance companies, accusing insurers of conspiring to limit payments to policyholders after hurricanes Katrina and Rita and engaging in...

State Farm Faces First Federal Trial in La. Over Katrina Damage

Nov 7 2007 // A jury in New Orleans heard opening statements on Oct. 5 in the first federal trial in Louisiana against State Farm Insurance Cos. for a policyholder’s lawsuit over Hurricane Katrina damage.The eight-member jury will...

U.S. Circuit Court Sides with State Farm in Miss. Katrina Case

Nov 7 2007 // A U.S. court of appeals ruling dashed the hopes of potentially hundreds of post-Hurricane Katrina claimants Tuesday when it ruled a major insurer’s policy language unambiguous.The case is based on State Farm Fire and...

State Farm Sues Mississippi Attorney General over Criminal Probe

Nov 5 2007 // State Farm Insurance Cos. is suing Mississippi’s attorney general for allegedly violating an agreement to end a criminal investigation of the insurer’s handling of claims on the Gulf Coast after Hurricane...

N.Y. court set to rule in key underinsured motorist benefits case

Nov 4 2007 // Whether serious injury is required to be demonstrated for an insured to be entitled to supplementary underinsured motorist benefits (SUM) was recently argued before New York’s Court of Appeals.On October 9, 2007,...