All the headlines from our Small Business Topic Page, ordered by recency.
Jul 4 2005 // Ah, the traditional signs of summer-salt air, suntan lotion and that pungent smell without which no vacation trip is complete-the fumes of expensive gasoline. Although skyrocketing gas prices consume much of the...
Jun 6 2005 // Small and mid-sized businesses (SMBs) are bigger targets for spam and viruses than they think–and the insurance industry is more at risk than most. For an act to be deemed malicious or damaging, there has to be a...
Jun 6 2005 // Many of the greatest problems small businesses face are government-related, particularly something they call ‘unreasonable governmentregulation.’ There probably are few American small business owners who could...
Jun 6 2005 // Small and mid-sized businesses (SMBs) are bigger targets for spam and viruses than they think-and the insurance industry is more at risk than most. For an act to be deemed malicious or damaging, there has to be a...
Jun 6 2005 // Small and mid-sized businesses (SMBs) are bigger targets for spam and viruses than they think-and the insurance industry is more at risk than most. For an act to be deemed malicious or damaging, there has to be a...
May 23 2005 // There probably are few American small business owners who could correctly identify the federal group whose primary job is to keep the president of the United States updated on the activities of government such as...
May 23 2005 // Many of the greatest problems small businesses face are government-related, particularly something they call ‘unreasonable governmentregulation.’ There probably are few American small business owners who could...
Apr 18 2005 // There probably are few American small business owners who could correctly identify the federal group whose primary job is to keep the president of the United States updated on the activities of government such as...
Apr 18 2005 // Georgia’s Senate Bill 174, allowing small companies to offer employees pared-down health plans, has been approved by the House of Representatives. The bill, estimated to save 10 to 15 percent on health insurance...
Apr 5 2005 // OneBeacon Insurance, a wholly owned subsidiary of White Mountains Insurance Group, Ltd., has begun offering Virginia small businesses its property casualty OnePac product. Virginia joins California, Illinois, North...
Apr 4 2005 // One of the great things about being a commercial lines insurance agent is that you get to meet people and learn a little bit about a lot of businesses. This knowledge puts insurance agents in a unique position to represent...
Mar 30 2005 // Ga. Senate Bill 174, allowing small companies to offer employees pared-down health plans that do not comply with all state-mandated insurance requirements has been approved by the House of Representatives. The Senate...
Mar 28 2005 // New Hampshire Gov. John Lynch’s plan to help small businesses facing stiff health insurance costs passed its first hurdle last week in the Senate.The new plan steps back from reforms enacted just over a year ago...
Mar 21 2005 // New York is one of the worst; New Jersey is also poor; Virginia remains among the best; Massachusetts and Maryland are looking better and better; Connecticut is holding steady, while Pennsylvania has some catching up to...
Mar 21 2005 // Almost 71 percent of California small business owners polled are expecting 2005 to be an overall better year than 2004, according to the fifth annual statewide survey released by Union Bank of California, N.A. The...
Mar 8 2005 // The National Federation of Independent Business recently began offering the University Park, Ill.-based Applied Systems‘ agency management system at a preferred rate to its 20,000 insurance agent members. Applied...
Feb 23 2005 // Almost 71 percent of California small business owners polled are expecting 2005 to be an overall better year than 2004, according to the fifth annual statewide survey released today by Union Bank of California, N.A. The...
Feb 22 2005 // A new report titled, “Association Health Plans — A Step Backward for Small Employers and Consumers,” maintains that federal Association Health Plan legislation would have devastating consequences for small...
Jan 27 2005 // The Ohio Department of Insurance has proposed a plan to help small business employees obtain more affordable health benefits. Key components of the plan, designed to provide small employers greater flexibility with health...
Dec 15 2004 // The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company (HSB) is now offering to insurers identity recovery coverage that combines identity theft insurance with services that help victims restore their credit history...