Latest Politics Headlines

All the headlines from our Politics Topic Page, ordered by recency.

White House, Republicans Weigh Benefits Changes to Health Care Bill

Mar 23 2017 // The White House is talking with House conservatives about last-minute changes to the embattled GOP health-care bill aimed at wooing enough holdouts to secure House passage.Lawmakers and Trump administration officials are...

How Senate Republicans Are Split Over Obamacare Replacement Bill

Mar 21 2017 // The House is racing to find enough votes for its health-care bill this week, but even if it passes, prospects in the Senate have only darkened.More than enough Senate Republicans oppose the House bill to kill it —...

Nebraska Among States Hardest-Hit by GOP Health Care Bill

Mar 20 2017 // A Republican plan to replace the Affordable Care Act would raise health insurance costs in Nebraska faster than in most other states, according to a new report, and advocates say rural areas would be hardest-hit.The...

Medical Professional Underwriters Weigh Impact of Republican Healthcare Changes

Mar 20 2017 // As they grapple with persistently soft market conditions, medical professional liability (MPL) underwriters must weigh the potential impact on their business of proposed changes in the U.S. healthcare financing system.As...

Texas Senate Committee Hears Testimony on Tweaked ‘Hail Litigation’ Bill

Mar 20 2017 // The Texas Senate Business and Commerce Committee on March 9 heard testimony on a revised bill that aims to limit the number of policyholder lawsuits filed against property insurance companies following severe weather...

Republicans Working to Change Healthcare Bill Before House Vote

Mar 19 2017 // U.S. House Republicans are working on changes to their healthcare overhaul bill to provide more generous tax credits for older Americans and add a work requirement for the Medicaid program for the poor, House Speaker Paul...

Republican Health Care Act Moves Closer to House Vote

Mar 17 2017 // Deeply divided Republicans squeezed their U.S. healthcare overhaul, backed by President Donald Trump, through a key House of Representatives panel on Thursday despite defections by three conservatives who consider it too...

Study Shows GOP Health Care Plan Could Cost Oklahoma Millions

Mar 16 2017 // A Republican plan to overhaul the nation’s health care system shows health care could become unaffordable for many poor Oklahomans and the state could be forced to subsidize health care costs for Native Americans,...

Texas Bill Banning Texting While Driving Statewide Goes to Senate

Mar 14 2017 // A bill that passed the Texas Senate State Affairs Committee on March 13 aims to restrict texting while driving statewide.While several cities already have ordinances that restrict texting while behind the wheel, SB 31 by...

Under Republican Health Plan, 24 Million Could Lose Insurance While Deficit Is Cut $337 Billion: CBO

Mar 13 2017 // Fourteen million Americans would lose medical insurance by next year under a Republican plan to dismantle Obamacare that would also reduce the budget deficit, the nonpartisan U.S. Congressional Budget Office said on...

Here is Summary of CBO’s Analysis of Republican Health Care Proposal

Mar 13 2017 // The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) and the staff of the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) estimate that enacting the Republicans’ American Health Care Act would reduce federal deficits by $337 billion over the...

Louisiana Republicans’ Response to Health Insurance Plan Mostly Muted

Mar 10 2017 // Louisiana’s majority-Republican congressional delegation hasn’t exactly embraced the GOP proposal to replace President Barack Obama’s health care law, with most members instead offering a cautious,...

House Committees Advance Republican Health Care Plan Despite Critics

Mar 10 2017 // The Republican plan backed by President Donald Trump to overhaul the U.S. healthcare system cleared its first hurdles in Congress on Thursday, but its chances for passage looked uncertain and top Republicans scrambled to...

House Balks at Senate Plan for Mississippi Oil Spill Damage Account

Mar 10 2017 // Mississippi lawmakers may be unable to decide this year how to spend $750 million in oil spill damage payments, with sniping between House and Senate members after a bill died at a Tuesday deadline for action when the...

Trump Backs Republican Health Plan Blasted by Conservatives

Mar 8 2017 // President Donald Trump threw his weight behind a House Republican plan to replace Obamacare, even as conservatives mounted their own savage attack on the bill, with one Republican senator declaring it “dead on...

Insurers, Hospitals Worry Republican Plan Makes Insurance Less Affordable

Mar 8 2017 // The House Republican health insurance plan suggests coverage after Obamacare will be less affordable, insurers and industry experts said on Tuesday, raising questions about whether Americans will enroll and insurance...

Here Is a Section-by-Section Summary of Republicans’ Health Care Act

Mar 7 2017 // The following summary of the American Health Care Act, meant as a repeal and replacement for the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), has been prepared by the Republican staff of the House Committee on Ways and Means. A copy...

House Republicans Unwrap Long-Awaited Obamacare Replacement Bill

Mar 6 2017 // Long-awaited legislation to dismantle Obamacare was unwrapped on Monday by U.S. Republicans, who called for ending health insurance mandates and rolling back extra healthcare funding for the poor in a package that drew...

Republicans in Indiana Warn of Fallout from Affordable Care Act Repeal

Mar 2 2017 // Republican legislative leaders in Indiana are warning that repealing the Affordable Care Act could unravel a program for poor residents that Vice President Mike Pence implemented as governor, a conservative blueprint for...

House Republicans’ Report Hits ‘Too Big to Fail’ Designation Process

Mar 1 2017 // Congressional Republicans are taking aim at the regulatory process through which some financial institutions become subject to heightened regulation because they are deemed too big to fail.In a report released on Tuesday,...