All the headlines from our Data Privacy Topic Page, ordered by recency.
Jun 11 2001 // Less than half of the states are likely to have their own privacy rules in place by the July 1 deadline imposed by the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA), a survey conducted by the National Association of Mutual Insurance...
Jun 5 2001 // Financial privacy legislation that would have limited services to policyholders and increased costs for insurers failed to reach a majority vote Wednesday in California’s Assembly Banking & Finance Committee.At...
May 31 2001 // Missouri Gov. Bill Holden recently signed HB 801, enabling the state Insurance Commissioner to adopt consumer privacy regulations consistent with, but not more stringent than, the federal Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act...
May 31 2001 // Maine Governor Angus King signed into law a financial services privacy bill (LD 1640), which is, according to the American Insurance Association (AIA), consistent with the federal privacy regulations in Title V of the...
May 22 2001 // Less than half of the states are likely to have their own privacy rules in place by the July 1 deadline imposed by the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA), a survey conducted by the National Association of Mutual Insurance...
May 8 2001 // As the U.S. House of Representatives Government Efficiency, Financial Management and Intergovernmental Relations Subcommittee prepares to mark up privacy legislation, the Alliance of American Insurers reiterated its...
Feb 14 2001 // The Kansas House of Representatives will hear testimony today on a privacy bill. Both Kansas Insurance Commissioner Kathleen Sebelius and Kansas House Insurance Committee Chairman Bob Tomlinson will testify in favor of the...
Feb 12 2001 // As part of a Washington coalition of insurers, banks and retailers, the National Association of Independent Insurers (NAII) spoke out against a privacy bill that the organization maintains would exceed the federal standard...
Feb 1 2001 // As part of a Washington coalition of insurers, banks and retailers, the National Association of Independent Insurers spoke out against a privacy bill that the organization maintains would exceed the federal standard of...
May 19 2000 // The Minnesota Legislature adjourned Thursday without gaining final passage of privacy bills dealing with financial records, telephone calling records and telephone “do not call” lists. The bills were passed...
May 2 2000 // President Clinton over the weekend proposed new privacy legislation allowing consumers to stop financial companies from sharing information about them.Clinton made the comments during a commencement address at Eastern...
Apr 13 2000 // SB 1337 and SB 1372 did not make it past the California Senate Banking, Finance, Investment and International Trade Committee yesterday. The National Association of Independent Insurers (NAII) testified against the...
Apr 3 2000 // broad coalition of insurance and employer trade associations and companies recently filed comments with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services on proposed medical records privacy regulations. Insurers argue the...